Saturday, January 15, 2011

What I have far

I am 34 years old.

Some of you may be older. Some of you may be younger. I suppose it's all relative. This however is my blog, and this is my here it is.

I have learned that love comes and goes, often with the same person.
I have learned that the more frequently you fall in love with the same person, the deeper it becomes.
I have learned that as you age, the changes are so subtle that you always look the same and you were always prettier before.
I have learned that as others age, the changes are not so subtle as you see them less frequently.
I have learned that my beliefs are not set in stone.
I have learned that even though my age increases, my mind stays the same. My brain remains 21, as I my body ages.
I have learned that youth feels like power but power is knowledge and knowledge comes with experience and experience comes with age. Do not resent the youth for their sense of power for we once felt the same.
I have learned that my loud music is good, my son's loud music however annoys me to no end. How exactly did that happen? This is something I have yet to fully understand.
I have learned people are interested in themselves and stories that involve themselves. Keep your personal experiences to yourselves. I realize this sounds hypocritical.
I have learned to be humble, it's better (and easier) to admit ones mistakes and faults.
I have learned that letting go of judgments and guilt about not meeting up to others wants/beliefs/needs is good for the soul.
I have learned that...

This is my life, you have never or will never fully walk in my shoes. I accept you for who you feel that you are and  I accept how you choose to conduct yourself as long as you do not hurt anyone else in the process. I have chosen to let go of judgments and to have a so called Teflon mind. I will no longer hold myself to your expectations of who I should be as I strongly feel that the majority is controlled by today's media. I will not hold myself to those standards as I have learned that they are artificial and business is life is my life and the two do not coincide...

Love me, or leave me...I just am.

I have learned so much in 34 years...what have you discovered in your life? We each live our lives within ourselves, within our minds. I will never fully understand you experiences and you will never fully understand mine.

I have learned that we each live our lives within a box called a brain...perception can not be shared as it belongs to the individual...

I have learned to accept you for who you are.

If you learn to do the same, you will truly be free.

Rider Of The Storm. Design by Exotic Mommie. Illustraion By DaPino